Frequently Asked Questions


1. What time do we need to arrive at the conference?

On Friday, doors open at 6:30 and we will begin with dinner. On Saturday, doors open with a light breakfast at 8:00. Conference welcome and worship begins at 8:30.


2. What do we wear?

Dress is casual. Come as you are!


3. Do we need to bring anything with us?

You may want to bring a good jacket as there may be some outdoor activities on Friday night and you will also transition between buildings at difference points during the conference weekend.

Booklets will be provided for any note taking you wish to do, so it is not necessary to bring something to write on. You may want to bring your Bible to use during the main sessions.


4. Will childcare be provided?

Childcare will NOT be provided at this event.


6. Are there assigned seats?

There will not be assigned seating.


7. Are meals provided at the conference?

Dinner is provided on Friday night and a light breakfast on Saturday morning. We will dismiss at noon on Saturday.


8. What time will the conference be over?

The conference will conclude on Saturday around 12:00 p.m.