THRIVE in your marriage

Are you happily married or just trying to survive each day? Today it seems that our standard of marriage has dropped below the standard that was modeled biblically with Christ and the church. Join us for the 2025 Forever Marriage Conference to hear from keynote speakers Scott & Dawn Smith on how to THRIVE in your marriage.

WHAT: 2025 Forever Marriage Conference

WHO: Featuring Scott & Dawn Smith

WHEN: March 21-22, 2025

WHERE: Lakewood Baptist Church Gainesville, GA


Friday, March 21
6:15 p.m. - Check in & dinner
8:00 p.m. - Session 1
9:00 p.m. - Date Night

Saturday, March 22
8:30 a.m. - Breakfast & coffee
9:15 a.m. - Session 2
10:45 a.m. - Session 3
12:00 p.m. - Close

The conference will include: Dinner on Friday night, light breakfast Saturday morning, 3 sessions with the Smiths, and a date night opportunity with your spouse.


Scott & Dawn Smith

Scott and Dawn have been married since 1987. Together they have served at Lakewood Baptist in Gainesville, GA since 2000. Scott is the Discipleship Pastor and Dawn serves as Connections Director. Their passions are couples and community and watching men and women develop their love for God and His Word. They spend their days teaching and mentoring - demonstrating how God uses marriage and group life as primary environments for spiritual transformation. Their children are all grown now and have successfully flown out of the nest to build lives of their own, which the Smiths are loving watching them do. Scott and Dawn especially love being Big Daddy and Lovey to Dawson, Liam, Tate and Louisa!


Your relationship with Christ should be your first priority and your marriage should be your second. Nothing else should come before Christ and then your spouse. So isn’t your marriage worth investing in? Come spend a weekend learning how to do marriage the way God intended. You will be forever grateful that you did!

Early Bird Registration
Through Jan 31
Per Couple
Early Registration
Through Feb 28
Per Couple
Normal Registration
Through Mar 12
Per Couple

What People Said About FMC


"This conference gave us more tools to be successful in our marriage. The presenters were easy to follow and understand. They presented in a way that made their story personal. They were very friendly on a personal level as well. They made their way around to a lot of the couples and spoke to us individually. All of those who worked the conference were friendly and helpful navigating to the different areas. We will definitely be back for every conference that is held in the future!"

"We really enjoyed the entire experience and thought Scott and Dawn's honesty and wisdom were spot on!"

"The Forever Marriage Conference was wonderful! My husband and I thoroughly enjoyed the speakers and the date night experience! We made new friends as well as some unforgettable memories. We will definitely be returning next year and we will be encouraging our friends and family to attend as well. In a world where marriages are falling apart all around us, it it crucial that we take time to invest in our marriages. The Forever Marriage Conference is definitely worth the investment!"

"FMC was a very well planned conference. We were impressed at the range of ages that attended as well as how the weekend offered teaching and activities for all of those ages. This is a much needed event. Thank you FMC for investing in marriages and families!"