“For out of much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote to you with many tears; not so that you would be made sorrowful, but that you might know the love which I have especially for you.” 2 Corinthians 2:4
Our tears are a blessing from God. Each of us cries for various reasons. Pay attention to your tears.
Tears are an outward indicator of what’s going on inwardly. Tears are often God’s way of getting our attention. Tears are His subtle way of saying, “I love you. I want to do a work in this place in your heart. You have some wounds. You have some memories that have yet to be healed. Let Me work here.”
Tears also are a reminder of what’s important to us. We often cry over things that bless us, that bring us fulfillment and joy. There’s rarely a time at a baptism service that I don’t cry. I may not even know the person being baptized. But, I know they most likely have had a significant life change in order to be baptized. So, that blesses my heart. As a result, I often tear up.
As a couple, we spend dedicated time on Friday mornings praying together. This tends to be an extended period of intercessory and listening prayer. It’s not uncommon that one or both of us will begin weeping as we intercede for one another, various family members, church members, and others that we love. This type of prayer has been called “travailing prayer.”
Sometimes our tears during our prayer time together are tears of joy. We may be reminded of just how blessed we are. The Father may allow us to remember how far He has brought us. He may allow us to see how much forgiveness and grace He has extended to us and to our marriage. And, for that, we are eternally grateful. And, for that, we often shed tears of joy.
Sometimes our tears are tears of contriteness. We are broken because we know our sin has broken the heart of God. We are remorseful for our sin. As a result, we cry.
Pay attention to your tears. God is trying to tell you something.
- Do you often shed tears? If so, why is that? If not, why is that?
- What makes you cry?
- Recall recent times of tears. What do you think God was trying to tell you through those tears?

Scott & Dawn Smith